Sunday, January 27, 2008

myspace, this is for you

It's one thing to start applying self honesty with yourself in every moment, when you're by yourself , but it's amazing the kind of bullshit fear and anxiety and worry and shit you start to feel when you 'picture' others seeing your self honesty, for instance your 'friends' reading your blog.
so therefore I am posting a bulletin on myspace linking to this blog so that everyone can come and read it. It's too easy to remain anonymous on the internet, too easy to hide behind constructed 'images' of yourself through shit like myspace.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to fear what others might think of my honest expression of myself

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to hide behind my personality thereby avoiding self honesty in every moment

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the fear I feel about what others might think, is simply me participating in the mind, and it is the mind which is feeling threatened because of fear of loss of itself.

I stand up within myself as the true expression of who I am as all as one as equal as all of life as all of existence within and as the breath within and as the moment as who I am as LIFE

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to feel fear of loss through allowing myself to participate in the mind

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to realize that the feeling of claustrophobia or tightness in the chest I feel sometimes when I am around certain people and they are speaking about certain things, is me not allowing myself to express total self honesty in that moment, is me participating in the mind and reacting to the words that person is saying, thereby producing feelings of anxiety or worry that If I express myself honestly in that moment then the person might be 'offended' or other such bullshit

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that I am able to be manipulated, influenced directed or enslaved by the mind in any way

I forgive myself that I have not allowed myself to live self honesty in every moment as the true expression of who I am as life as all as one as equal

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