Friday, January 25, 2008

bathtime expression

This evening, I was having a bath after playing some harmonium and singing, and I had brought my singing bowl in the tub with me. Singing bowls are really beautiful things and when you float them on the water and strike the side with the mallet, you can feel the sound vibrating through the water....which is really cool cause the water is liquid sound, and I am sound and the bowl is sound and is producing sound which is vibrating through the water!!! anyway one thing led to another and all these watery vibrations led to me masturbating there in the tub which was a liberating experience, as I did not experience pictures of 'sex' or think about 'sex' while masturbating! I simply was enjoying myself and breathing! and when I 'finished' as it were, I did not feel any feelings of guilt or feel that I had just given something away, like I always did after masturbation inspired by/accompanied by pictures and such. It's funny because I never was one to keep a journal, I always felt like I didn't have anything to write about because I was satisfied with 'thinking' about my life from moment to moment. It's very freeing to be able to express myself as who I am through my words on this blog. The mind really gets in the way of us expressing ourselves; so much damn inhibition and restraint and timidness what a limiting waste of time it is to think!!!